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We all have a tonne of things to do, and we all can find ourselves in a spot where it's challenging to stay focused on what matters most. 

Focus requires us to sift through a bunch of data and make decision on what needs our attention now and what can wait for another time.  If we want to laser down and pinpoint the exact areas that require personal action, we must increase our ability to turn up the signal and turn down the noise. 

Noise is what the brain creates without us having to do anything.  The constant chatterbox brain delivers to a tune of 4,000 words per minute and doesn’t stop unless we take charge and begin to direct it. When we direct our mind, we intentionally place increased emphasis on a certain area of our life and then listen for the distinct signals that need to be heard most. 

Now, here’s the catch…

Lumped in with the noise we often find personal tasks that we consider to be a nuisance.  Things that are often repetitive in nature but essential to our life experience.  Things that if left undone will quickly result in a sizeable mess. Things that don’t fuel our excitement levels but rather tend to bore and annoy us.  All things that need doing and must be done, but if we are not tuned in and don’t parse out and separate from the noise, will quickly create a not-so-pleasant experience of life. 

So, the next time you direct your brain, remember, that nuisance is different than noise. Though nuisance and noise are similar in that they both don’t create a super fun energetic type of emotional response, nuisance holds value and helps you make progress, whereas noise distracts and takes you nowhere.  



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