For the past decade, hungry people from around the world have enjoyed the playful and transformational experience that James’ business and personal programs and events deliver with consistency.
James chooses to bring a quality of connection and style of communication that allows people to onboard life-changing strategies from a place that they understand best - from their own unique perspective.
James' no BS approach, and energetic stance towards life ignites and unleashes people into discovering and experiencing the rich and vibrant life force that lies at the heart of who they really are.



We either become stronger or weaker in times of uncertainty. The best part is that becoming stronger is fully within your control. To the exact degree that you can comfortably experience uncertainties is to the exact degree that you'll enjoy the reality that all of life actually is.
Winter is now clearly upon us. We are passed merely anticipating. It is here now. The fact is, this season will probably get even chiller before it gets warmer. Corporations and professionals from every corner of the earth are responding by doing everything they can to find their new rhythm. A rhythm of taking wise and specific strategic action to ensure that they won’t be the ones that miss the golden opportunities that this winter season will deliver with abundance.
Back in my early 30's, I had a rather deep awakening experience. I hadn't taken the time and care to prepare for a rather harsh winter of my life, and I went flat. I went from great to miserable overnight. My world was shaken and I went paralyzed. I couldn't figure out what the issue was until I uncovered that I was rather ill-equipped to handle uncertainties and instabilities. Taking action was once second nature to me, yet freezing out seemed to be the only action I was now able to take. What kind of action is that? A poor quality type at best!
I stumbled through that season of my life, yet thankfully and inevitably, I emerged on the other side. I spotted what had gotten me into that mess, and I decided never again! I got real. I got committed and I took massive action on developing my ability to handle uncertainties and instabilities in a healthier and more empowered way. Never again would I allow uncertainties and instabilities the power to control my life. Never again would I allow them to freeze me out. Never again would I be the one who became a mere spectator when things got shaky. Never again would I be the one who would choose to wait for the storm to pass so that I could take confident action. Never again would I sell my personal power to something that I could do something about!
I'll never forget that day. The line was drawn, and I was all in! With enough pain and self-induced suffering to last me a lifetime, I was energetically charged and fueled - primmed and ready. I lasered my focus directly upon building and developing a super-strong, resilient, and reliable internal muscle that would allow me the ability to be ready and prepared for when life does what it does best - delivers a new surprise.
That was more than a decade ago, however, I will never take my foot off the accelerator and ease my constant and never-ending attentive energies towards expanding my ability to handle new and greater levels of uncertainties. Now when things get shaky, I am able to stay rooted and grounded. Ready to listen, ready and able to discern without willpower, and ready to take decisive action.
When we observe these times of uncertainty, we are all now becoming very aware at an entirely new level, that most people freeze out to some degree or they become completely paralyzed when they experience a measurable shakeup in their life. Truth is, we all crave stability to some degree and that's healthy. However, today's reality is making us aware that people have a massively overdeveloped muscle and need for certainty, and an equally massive and underdeveloped muscle and lack of appreciation for engaging with uncertainty confidently.
The marketplace has always been and will continue to be a fierce world. An ecosystem that demands and commands that we stay razor sharp so that we can retain our competitive advantage.
To a large degree, we get to choose how things will go for us. We get to reveal through our mindset, action, and behaviors whether we’ll get pushed out or whether we’ll push forward into this new terrain.